Linux For The Rest Of Us #95 – Power Outage

Direct MP3 Download: Linux For The Rest Of Us #95 – Power Outage

A Linux podcast for anyone even remotely interested in Linux! With Steve McLaughlin, the Door to Door Geek.

Episode 95 Show Notes


Basic Basic

Nothing is perfect ….. even when you have choice

Podnutz forums – thanks throttle – how i saved the day with xPUD – (

xPUD – The desktop has never been this easy — Get your favorite web browser with a simple web-based interface on top.



Leap Second Disrupts Internet Sites.



Weather wallpaper – Weather wallpaper is a program which connects to NOAA each hour to get the current weather at the specified location and creates and sets a wallpaper with the data retrieved.



Banning Linux users for using Linux…Really?



Write a simple launcher using Zenity – Nowadays, we mostly interact with our computers using a Graphical User Interface. The operating system as a whole uses several elements of the GUI to make the user experience more human-like. Can users get to unleash some of the GUI’s power? The answer is yes: welcome to Zenity, a GTK+ application that works in GNU/Linux, BSD and Windows. In this short article I will show you how to create a simple script that interacts with the user using the GUI.



Bluefish. A powerful HTML editor, and more – Developed in C/GTK+ is a software that can be used on all the major operating systems. You can use it, in fact, on Linux, Windows, Solaris and Mac. It’s available in 10 of the most important languages this software is a mix between a simple text editor and a very complete IDE. It’s a very intuitive software, thanks to some really interesting features and makes writing code a very relaxing, and not chaotic, experience .



PDF Mod is a simple application for modifying PDF documents – You can reorder, rotate, and remove pages, export images from a document, edit the title, subject, author, and keywords, and combine documents via drag and drop.



Building A 96-Core Ubuntu ARM Solar-Powered Cluster – While packing nearly 100 cores and running Ubuntu Linux, the power consumption was just a bit more than 200 Watts. This array of nearly 100 processor cores was even powered up by a solar panel.



Mele A1000 is a $70 hackable, Linux-friendly ARM-based PC – The Mele A1000 is a system that sells for $70 and up and which features a number of components that the Raspberry Pi lacks — including a SATA port, a case, and a faster processor.



All the Best Linux Cheat Sheets – All the best Linux cheat sheets rounded up in one post broken down into Linux command line, Linux security, Linux administration, Gnome/KDE, sed/awk/vim, and distribution specific cheat sheets.



GNU Make in Detail for Beginners – Have you ever peeked into the source code of any of the applications you run every day? Ever used make install to install some application? You will see make in most projects. It enables developers to easily compile large and complex programs with many components. It’s also used for writing maintenance scripts based on timestamps. This article shows you how to have fun with make.



Managing A Headless VirtualBox Installation With phpvirtualbox (Ubuntu 12.04) – phpvirtualbox is a web-based VirtualBox front-end written in PHP that allows you to access and control remote VirtualBox instances. It tries to resemble the VirtualBox GUI as much as possible to make work with it as easy as possible. It is a nice replacement for the VirtualBox GUI if you run VirtualBox in headless servers



NYC Hackfest July 9-12 Before HOPE – FreedomBox, OpenITP, InformSec and ISOC-NY have partnered up to host a circumvention tools hackfest in NYC right before HOPE. We’ve got four days to plan, code and learn! If you want to hack on anti-censorship or anti-surveillance tools, bring your project, bring your skills and bring your friends. This event will be focused on writing code and solving design problems. We won’t have any long presentations (there will be enough of those at HOPE), though we will have lightning talks and will give away a door prize or two.



Putting New Life in Your Old Laptop




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