
Linux For The Rest Of Us #222 – Stadia is Linux, Love You Eric and SliTaz!!!!

Direct MP3 Download: Linux For The Rest Of Us #222 – Stadia is Linux, Love You Eric and SliTaz!!!!

221 – Linux For The Rest Of Us
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September 20-22 | Grand Rapids, MI



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Watch Google’s Stadia Event In 5 Minutes

Google finally showed off its Stadia video gaming platform at the 2019 Game Developers Conference. While there is no pricing or date set for the streaming platform’s launch, the company says it will be coming in 2019. Players will be able to quickly load games on smartphones, tablets, desktop comp



Install Linux to Save Space! These Tiny Linux Distros Are Super Small

Do you have an old PC lying around gathering dust? Would you like to make use of the old small-capacity USB flash drives sitting in your drawer? You can reuse your old computer and USB drives by installing a super small Linux operating system (also known as a “distribution” or “distro”) o



A Beginner’s Guide to Surviving in the Linux Shell

A black screen with white text and no graphics, yes! The Linux Shell does look daunting at first glance, but it is much more powerful than any graphical tool. Linux powers 70% of the servers and 90% of super-computers in the world.



Beaker: the Decentralized Read-Write Browser

The best future of the internet may be peer-to-peer. The Beaker Browser offers a glimpse. When Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web, he envisioned a single software package that allowed everyone to create and read pages across the internet.



The NSA Makes Its Powerful Cybersecurity Tool Open Source

The National Security Agency develops advanced hacking tools in-house for both offense and defense—which you could probably guess even if some notable examples hadn’t leaked in recent years.



MiyoLinux: A Lightweight Distro with an Old-School Approach

I must confess, although I often wax poetic about the old ways of the Linux desktop, I much prefer my distributions to help make my daily workflow as efficient as possible. Because of that, my taste in Linux desktop distributions veers very far toward the modern side of things.



Clear Linux Has A Goal To Get 3x More Upstream Components In Their Distro

For those concerned that running Clear Linux means less available packages/bundles than the likes of Debian, Arch Linux, and Fedora with their immense collection of packaged software, Clear has a goal this year of increasing their upstream components available on the distribution by three times.


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