
Linux For The Rest Of Us #223 – 24 Hour Live Stream, Linus Complains and AnyDesk

Direct MP3 Download: Linux For The Rest Of Us #223 – 24 Hour Live Stream, Linus Complains and AnyDesk

223 – Linux For The Rest Of Us
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September 20-22 | Grand Rapids, MI


Help Eric Arduini and family
As some of you may know my brother was diagnosed in February of this year with a rare form of primary liver cancer that is unfortunately terminal. All funds will be donated to him and his family for medical bills and other household bills so that his family can spend the rest of his time with him and not have to stress about money as much during this difficult time.
10 Best Tiling Window Managers for Linux
As the name Linux Window manager suggests, the work of window managers is to coordinate how app windows function and they automatically run in the background of your OS to manage the appearance and placement of running applications.
5 Tools That Will Help You Create Your Own Linux Distro
Harshajit is a writer / blogger / vlogger. A passionate music lover whose talents range from dance to video making to cooking. Football runs in his blood. Like literally! He is also a self-proclaimed technician and likes repairing and fixing stuff.
Remote Desktop Software That Actually Works
Mario Dionies IT-Security Officer, AIP format_quoteAfter searching for a bit, we found AnyDesk with its in-house-solution, offering exactly what we were looking for.
Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code arrives on Linux as an Ubuntu Snap
MICROSOFT CONTINUES its Linux love-in with the release of Visual Studio Code as an Ubuntu Snap. For the uninitiated, Ubuntu Snaps are a form of containerised packages that are capable of working in any Linux environment, on-device, on-premise or in the cloud, without any alteration.
The Fastest Linux Distributions For Web Browsing – Firefox + Chrome Benchmarks On Eight Distros
With now having WebDriver/Seleneium integration in PTS for carrying out browser benchmarks, we’ve been having fun running a variety of web browser benchmarks in different configurations.
Selfhosting is the process of locally hosting and managing applications instead of renting from SaaS providers. This is a list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted locally. Non-Free software is listed on the Non-Free page.

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