Podnutz Daily #431 – Brad Torrey from TTCSComputerServices.com

Direct MP3 Download: Podnutz Daily #431 – Brad Torrey from TTCSComputerServices.com

A Show for Computer Repair Techs by Computer Repair Techs

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Brad Torrey from TTCSComputerServices.com



Yealink Phones –

We sometimes have inventory of new phones at better prices than we find online. Contact brad@ttcscomputerservices.com and I can let you know what we have

Current Favorite Phone –

Yealink T42G – http://www.yealink.com/product_info.aspx?ProductsCateID=310&parentcateid=1299&cateid=310&BaseInfoCateId=310&Cate_Id=310&index=3

– Purchase from Voice Carrier, Probably STC, Amazon, TTCS Computer Services, etc.

– I prefer the T46G over the T48G simply because I like having physical buttons over pure touch screen myself. Most customers don’t want to spend the extra money for just a touch screen and no other benefit.

(One of the bigger reasons I prefer the T4 series over the T3 is the physical weight of the phone. The T4’s are heavier, so they tend to feel more solid on the desk as you are pressing buttons and dialing)

Hosted VoIP Provider of choice – Charge per desired call capacity, not per extension or user. Good support team, access to network engineers. Good option for 2 phones on up to hotel sized clients (a little better deal the bigger you go, but still good choice for smaller offices)


Reference Brad Torrey Podnutz Daily

You can contact Jeff Johnson (650) 644-1801

Phone System Vendor and Partner – STC Simplified Telecommunications Corp.

Specialize in partnering with IT support companies to consult, support, and provide hardware at wholesale pricing. Vendor relationships allow them to get direct support from vendors, etc.


Steve Hobson – 800-568-0108

Reference Brad Torrey Podnutz Daily

VoIP Lab or possible small office environment links of interest:

FreePBX (Open Source Web GUI and Asterisk PBX package)



Call Centric (one of many SIP Trunk Providers)


Cloud Hosting

General Hosting That will require some hands on configuration, but it should work and you can deploy other PBX software systems other than FreePBX

Digital Ocean – https://www.digitalocean.com/

Specialized for FreePBX


Android – Good and Free SIP client – CSipSimple


iOS – Free SIP client – Join (this one is better for testing than production, but it works)





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