
Podnutz Daily #105 – USB Ports Do The Strangest Things

Direct MP3 Download: Podnutz Daily #105 – USB Ports Do The Strangest Things

eMachines needs data off a computer that will not start:
First thing I do is get the data off
via IDE/SATA to USB cable
and copy the My Documents folder.
Once I did this the hard drive got flaky
Got data just in time.

To diagnose the computer:
Power Supply failed tests
Replaced power supply and got only fans
.. bad mother board.

Replaced mother board and the hard drive
This time would not power up.
Power supply good
replaced ram and processor.
Power button bad? No.
Shop tested the motherboard.. fine.

After examining the front USB port was smashed in
and the leads inside were shorting out each other.
Be sure to check those USB ports and
if there is an issue remove the jumpers
connecting the usb to the mother board.

My Aching Eyes:
Recently bought a HP W2408 Vivid Color monitor
and my eyes started giving me trouble.
Turns out it was SO vivid it was like staring at the sun.
Brightness reset to 25% and still looks good.

Eye Doctor came in with a computer repair
and recommended Systane Ultra
for our dry-unblinking-computer-fixing eyes
Bought two bottles of it.

Looking for other remedies for eye strain.
Let me know if you have any other solutions.

D510 Dell laptop for sale on Craigs List for $30
Possible power jack problems but could have more issues.
He dropped it off at the shop for $50.
Will fix and resell for $299

The New Podnutz.com is coming .. hang in there.

Email from Mike:
The Force Field #26 podcast
Review of ReImage using limited free trial
via Bryce Whitty of Technibble.com (positive experience)
Also: Advice on learning soldering – vocation courses at local community colleges

Email from Ricardo:
DVR options
Neuros OSD
PopCorn Hour

Email from David:
Sites accessible via ip address only
..again the solution offered is OpenDNS

Email from Ray:
Ray states when he finds good freeware he buys or donates
..and wants Steve to get a donation button up and running
(It is coming with the new Podnutz.com website)
Also: Vista vs XP .. Vista is smooth

Email from Jason:
Here Ya Go
Sites with Malware and viruses
(to infect a bench machine to learn how to clean)
Jason also sent an attachment that I am afraid to open (LOL)
Beware of Hallmark emails and Facebook virus.

Phillies might win tonight and I may not have utilities tomorrow.
Stay tuned for tomorrow’s show.