
Linux For The Rest Of Us #38 – Northeast Linux Fest

[01:15] Special guest – Jonathan Nadeau ( (   [10:53] APT-FAST, Faster than APT-GET –...

Podnutz Daily #302 – Call That Girl's Remote Support Tips

Podnutz Daily #302 Show Notes Today Lisa Hendrickson (callthatgirl in the Podnutz Forums), from CallThatGirl in Minneapolis Minnesota returns to the show to talk about...

Android App Addicts #32 – Nice And WarmZ

Podnutz Episode #61 – When To Call It Quits

Linux For The Rest Of Us #37 – Are You A Linux Guru?

[04:46] Podbuntu Update – Get the most current release. (   [14:45] How to Install VLC-Shares In Ubuntu And Stream Videos...

Podnutz Daily #301 – Reliant and Lotfi

Steve is joined by Lotfi the Reballer and can be found on twitter @laptoptopreballing and Kevin Adair (Reliant in the chatroom) ofTop2Top...

Android App Addicts #31 – Don't Miss The Party

Podnutz Episode #60 – Hosted Exchange

Linux For The Rest Of Us #36 – Lifehacker Bonanza

[02:48] pwn2own – update (   [18:26] GNUGuitarINUX – The most important packages of GNUGuitarINUX v1.0 are: *...

Podnutz Daily #300! – Thanks Guys!

Steve celebrates show #300 with Tim Kelly aka Timster in Savannah, Georgia and can be followed on twitter as tim31405 and byJon fromEvernet Support...