
Podnutz Daily #94 – Watch Your Quotes

Dell Inspiron 9000 laptop BRICK (big, bulky and heavy) Power buutton gives a flash on the screen but no video and no bios screen. Tip on free estimates: If I have to...

Podnutz Daily #93 – What? No Sound?

eMachines laptop with fixed power jack was still powering off after five minutes. The replacement power adapter was not strong enough. It was not supplying enough power...

Podnutz Daily #92 – To All You Guys Out There

XP Desktop BSOD/Reboot After you get to the Windows login screen. Had to uncheck “Reboot on error” to see the BSOD error message 1. Right click My Computer. 2....

Podnutz Daily #91 – It Wasn't The Hard Drive

MacBook running Quicken 2006 on Parallels: Windows XP in Parallels would run fine but Quicken would not. It would freeze, halt and just run strange. Tried several things...

Podnutz Daily #90 – Better Late Than Never

Vista Home Premium recovery tips: To repair the recovery partition, I ran Spinrite and it partially worked but I still did not get a full recovery. In the HP recovery...

Podnutz Daily #89 – It's Time To Get Lively

eMachines laptop with a power jack fix but it still kept shutting off after a few seconds. Overheating? Cleaned all the thermal grease off of the processor and reapplied...

Podnutz Episode 26: SuperAntiSpyware Creator, Nick Skrepetos

Nick Skrepetos joins us to discuss his program SuperAntiSpyware. How does SuperAntiSpyware get made? How to prevent spyware from attacking your machine How did Nick come...

Podnutz Daily #88 – Interesting Power Jack

What makes for an interesting power jack repair? – how to test for a power jack problem – this pc passed all of my tests – listen for the solution (requires...

Podnutz Daily #87 – Where Did The CD Drives Go?

Go ahead, blame the leaf blower … Dell Dimension desktop needed cleanup. Customer calls the next day and states the CD drives do not work. They did not show up in My...

Podnutz Daily #86 – What Else Can Go Wrong?

Remember the customer I had and I erased all of his data? (He was very understanding) I finally got his motherboard in. Replaced it called him for pick up. He came in to...