Call That Girl's Remote Support Show #001 – Protect your money

Direct MP3 Download: Call That Girl's Remote Support Show #001 – Protect your money

Lisa Hendrickson shares years of experience about remote support, from software issues and fixes to handling of customers

Todays Topic:  How to protect your money


We need to manage expectations and very important we never stop learning.


1)  Cancellation fees.  Even with a really good, long running client you need to protect your time.

The expectation should be set that there is a 24 hour cancellation fee.  No fee at 24 hours.  At 12, 9, etc.  hours it is a % fee you are comfortable with.  A good client will respect you for that.


2)  Soft quotes and hard quotes.  A client waits to the end to tells you something or you run into a problem not covered by the estimated fee.  Explain that if there is a problem, it is billable.  That until the job is done you are paying for it.


3)  No printer support during tune-ups.  Printers are an additional charge.  The expectation is set.

Be very clear flat fee vs. hourly rate.  Set the expectation.  What is covered and what is not.


4)  Virus removals vs repairs needed caused by the virus.  These are two different things.


5)  Guilt factor – support for life.  When you sell a product make the expectation that if it needs

support they should pay.  You are buying the product but if you need future support it is billable.


6)  Can’t fix after an hour.  My minimum is ….  The ‘try but not able to fix’ fee.


Other links mentioned:



Windows XP End-of -Life blog


Buying a new computer





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