Direct MP3 Download: Linux For The Rest Of Us #133 – Another Visit, Mark from Woohoo
A Linux podcast for anyone even remotely interested in Linux!
With the DoorToDoorGeek aka Steve McLaughlin and Cody Cooper
Episode 133 Show Notes
Podnutz Episode 54: It’s Ok To Make Money! – (
Podnutz Daily #347 – Chris Barre “Wise Technician” – (
Podnutz Daily #339 – Chris Barre – Making More Money – (
Basic Basic – N/A
Element Opie Productions was formed in 2011 by Mark Cockrell ( and Shawn Kibel ( to serve as a parent company for their various podcasts. The two have been friends for years and in 2008 Shawn joined Mark in the Technology Department of a small Northeast Texas public school. (ok, so they were the Technology Department).
How to Install Ubuntu Linux on Your Chromebook with Crouton – When you use Crouton, you’re actually just running one operating system — Linux. However, you’re running two environments on top of the OS — Chrome OS and a traditional Linux desktop.
Getting Debian 7.0 “Wheezy” Up and Running – Now that you have installed Debian 7.0 ‘Wheezy’ and got yourself comfortable with it, it’s now time to get some software installed on to your system system.
If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It: Ancient Computers in Use Today – It’s easy to wax nostalgic about old technology–to remember fondly our first Apple IIe or marvel at the old mainframes that ran on punched cards. But no one in their right mind would use those outdated, underpowered dinosaurs to run a contemporary business, let alone a modern weapons system, right? Wrong!.
sposkpat – Single Purpose Operating System: Kpatience distractionless card game. Turns any PC into a distraction-less Patience card game.
Humble “Double Fine” Bundle Update – Five crazy imaginative games plus eight rockin’ prototypes from Double Fine Productions.
SHOUTOUT of the Week goes to:
The Accessible Computing Foundation – (
The Accessible Computing Foundation’s main mission is to make technology accessible for people with all sorts of disabilities. We seek to bridge the gap between technology and people who have various obstacles which prevent them from accessing computers, websites, cell phones, and other gadgets.
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