Linux For The Rest Of Us #236 – Review, Fan-diddly-tastic Emails and Predictions!

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236 – Linux For The Rest Of Us
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Help Eric Arduini and family
As some of you may know my brother was diagnosed in February of this year with a rare form of primary liver cancer that is unfortunately terminal. All funds will be donated to him and his family for medical bills and other household bills so that his family can spend the rest of his time with him and not have to stress about money as much during this difficult time.
Thank you for the Support!!
William DuPuie!!
I wanted to add into the advice to Robbie. in addition to not being afraid of breaking something and to learn to fix it, it’s important to also to own your mistakes. I’ve been an SA for 20 plus years and I’ve messed stuff up really bad, but I always fix it or know where to turn to get the answers of how to fix it and I always admit that I screwed up. The boss appreciates the honesty and will respect you for it. Too many people won’t admit they screwed up they are afraid that they are going to get fired or they’re not going to be trusted to do something in the future. But unless you’ve made it a habit of making the same mistakes over and over again that’s just not going to happen.

Hope this finds you well, Just started listening & honestly didnt want my first email to be like this, but i find myself in a quandary.
 Im going back to school at the earlyvage of 50 and find myself in need of a laptop something small like an xps or such, need something i can use for class work and running dual boot, as i will be taking linux and cloud courses.
  It dosen’t need a hard drive if it supports m.2 as i have a 500g laying round, anything you can help with would be greatly appreciated.

Make it a great day!
Just wanted to say hello and let you know how much I enjoy listening to your podcast. I started using Ubuntu late last year and have been learning as much as I can about linux. I’m a Civil Engineer by trade but I’m currently taking on-line courses to land an entry level system admin position. I truly appreciate all of the information you guys talk about and I mostly enjoy the tangents that you go off on.

Thank you again and keep up the good work.


Hello Door,


Just wanted to reach out and let you know that I really enjoyed listening to Show #231 and reading the imposter syndrome article, really resonated with me. Been Using linux for a while, since 2001.. setup samba servers, tacacs servers, Nagios servers etc.. but never feel like I know enough to talk about it or contribute, but that doesn’t stop me from listening to Linux for the Rest of Us, really love the show,  you and bruce are doing an awesome job.




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