Podnutz Daily #369 – Chris from FTWce.com

Direct MP3 Download: Podnutz Daily #369 – Chris from FTWce.com

Chris From FTWce.com talks about shop and diversifying business


A “short” Bio about myself:
I started out my fascination with computers at a young age when my parents came home with a Commodore 64/128. I would sit for hours typing, what I felt were hieroglyphics just to make a little snake crawl around the TV screen. We then progressed into a 286,  a 486 and so on. Growing up poor, my family couldn’t afford to pay for tech support. So when we broke something, the only recourse was to try to fix it ourselves. The internet wasn’t public back then, so it was up to us to scour magazines and reach out to our geeky friends.
Fast forward 10 years, I married my highschool sweetheart and started a family young. I took my passion for computers and electronics and decided to go to a formal school to learn the in’s and out’s of electronics.  After 2 years of school, I couldn’t afford to break out into the tech field with a family already started. It wasn’t until 10 years later, 2 more kids, and moving 600 miles, that I decided to start up my own business. I grew tired of giving people “deals” and doing favors for others when it came to helping people with their computer and or electronics problem. Twenty five dollars for one friend, fifty for another working on the same type of issues. My hobby / “extra money maker” became convoluted quickly.
In 2011, I officially filed with the IRS, State, and my local government to start my business: “For The Win! Computers and Electronics” (www.ftwce.com). It’s not my “9 to 5” job. I’m an CI Engineer for a large coffee company. I do not have a “brick and mortar” shop as I run my business out of my house.  I fix (or try to fix) everything from laptops, PC’s, mobile phones, tablets, “i” devices, and printers, Even washers, dryers, microwave ovens, TV’s, and audio equipment. I consider myself a “Jack of all Trades” while “Master of None”.
I don’t claim to know it all when it comes to computers and electronics, but I will try to fix anything. If I can’t figure it out, I know where to look for help. If you need any more info about what I do (which I doubt you do), just check out my website.
Mhelpdesk – http://mhelpdesk.com/
PC Repair Tracker – http://pcrepairtracker.com/
http://www.synchro.net – BBS software I mentioned on the show
http://www.easyapplianceparts.com or    http://www.partselect.com/ –  Decent appliance parts suppliers. You can also get mfg part number from this site and find it cheaper on Amazon.
http://www.ifixit.com/Tools/Pro-Tech-Toolkit/IF145-072 – iFixit Toolkit I use for mobile devices

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