Podnutz Daily #446 – Be Nice

Direct MP3 Download: Podnutz Daily #446 – Be Nice

A Show for Computer Repair Techs by Computer Repair Techs

Jeff Halash from TechNutPC.com Talks to Computer Technicians

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Brad Torrey from TTCS Computer Services



Shameless Plug > If you want to help out the Newport Harbor High School Culinary Arts program, please visit www.newportculinary.com and click on the store. (Don’t judge, we didn’t design the site, we’re just keeping it up for now)

Wunderlist >Very useful, simple, cross-platform task management app with good sharing features

Google Keep > Good for keeping track of quick notes on the go

OneNote > for well-organized notes with tabs, etc.

Evernote > Brad likes it, Jeff never really got into it

Webmail vs. Outlook

The only thing we ultimately agreed on was that Gmail is a top notch spam filter

Windows 10 updates are going to get more aggressive next year and automatically download.

One good way we’re blocking these updates is using F-Secure and Ninja RMM

Message of the day, “be nice”

We also talked about being in a funk and things we can do to deal with that.


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