
MiniPC Show #89 – Bunch of Emails, oDroid N2 and More Intel Stuff

Direct MP3 Download: MiniPC Show #89 – Bunch of Emails, oDroid N2 and More Intel Stuff

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Hosted by:
Steve McLaughlin DoorToDoorGeek http://podnutz.com
Brian AskTheCableGuy

I’m a long time listener and a long time Plex user. It’s an awesome product, as you know.
Right now I have a Lenovo ThinkServer in the basement that’s my Plex server. I’ve moved all my content to a NAS and am looking at what smaller energy footprint I can use for it.
I seem to recall you mentioning that there’s now some single board computers that can keep up with the demand of serving up video.
Can you discus some of the single board computers that can handle Plex


Richard has mentioned a couple of times the data center in a drawer.  Around my house, I have several single board computers, a Raspberry Pi model A+, B+, a couple model 2B and a Beagle Bone.

I don't have time to play around with them anymore.  So any suggestions on what I can do with these SBC's?  I have 1 as my Unifi Controller, 1 as a Plex client for the family room (exercise room) TV, I had one that had PiHole on it as well, but I've taken that one off.  Oh yeah, I have 1 that I'm trying to make into a weather station machine.

 But I have several that I'd like to put in work.  I'm looking for some suggestions as to what to use the others for.  I do like the idea of having an enterprise network (but tiny) in the house.


First off I want to thank you for the podcast and all your information about Mini PC’s. I enjoy hearing you talk about what’s new with SBC’s, their pros & cons, and how you use them.
I follow mini PC news partly because I find it very interesting, and partly because I volunteer with my high school’s robotics team and robots need mini PCs. I also dabble with home automation and home security and don’t want to send all my information (and subscription fees) to Nest, Ring, SmartThings, etc.
I feel like you guys struggle to find uses for AI devices like the Intel Movidius, Google Coral or Nvidia Jetson Nano systems, so I thought I mention some ways they can be used.

Sorry for the long email.  Keep up the good work.



If you’d like to receive an email when the ODROID-N2 are open for ordering and when they are in stock, click here. The ODROID-N2 is a new generation single board computer that is more powerful, more stable, and faster performing than the N1. The main CPU of the N2 is based on big.
CPU performance Dhrystone-2, Double-Precision Whetstone, Sysbench and Memory bandwidth benchmark results show the N2 system performance comes out ahead of other popular ARM SBCs.
ODROID-N2 GPU Drivers, Linux 5.0, and Impressive glmarks-es2 Score
ODROID-N2 was announced last February for $63 (2GB RAM), and $79 (4GB RAM), but Hardkernel was not quite ready to take orders at the time. One of the good news is that the 4GB RAM is now available for pre-order with shipping scheduled to start on April 3.
READ ME FIRST: About Server ARMv7 and ARMv8 Ubuntu / Debian
Plex supports Debian and Ubuntu based ARMv7 (armhf) and ARMv8 (arm64) distributions. Video transcoding is not recommended at all on ARMv7 and ARMv8 devices. For the best experience, always aim for Direct Play support on all of your devices.
Selfhosting is the process of locally hosting and managing applications instead of renting from SaaS providers. This is a list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted locally. Non-Free software is listed on the Non-Free page.
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Intel Launches WiFi 6 AX200 M.2 Wireless Card
WiFi 6 (aka 802.
Hacker Public Radio ~ The Technology Community Podcast Network
Hosted by minnix on 2019-03-29 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.Tags: nextcloud,single board computers,home server,sbc,arm.Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format. | Comments (0)
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The Raspberry Pi Zero is a is a tiny, low-power single-board computer that sells for $5 (or $10 if you want a Pi Zero W with WiFi and Bluetooth).
