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Podnutz Daily #195 – FatGeek in the House

Topics discussed: Setting up a shop vs. working out of the home videos SSD to hard drive Mac laptops vs. windows SSD’s vs. hardrives: Monty has a comparison video here...

Podnutz Daily #138 – Bad Hard Drive In DV6000

HP DV6000 laptop would hang at the bios screen This is an indication the hard drive is bad .. because the bios is trying to communicate with the hard drive. OEM Vista...

Podnutz Daily #113 – It's Good To Be Back

I’m Baaack! Worked on some projects Podnutz is all drupal based & easy to update. HP dv6000 laptop with gmail issues: When typing in gmail the system would hang...

Podnutz Daily #89 – It's Time To Get Lively

eMachines laptop with a power jack fix but it still kept shutting off after a few seconds. Overheating? Cleaned all the thermal grease off of the processor and reapplied...

Podnutz Daily #7 – DialAFix, a Couple Laptops, and a Sticky Keyboard

Try Dial-A-Fix for Windows DLL repairs, and Windows update repairs – www.dialafix.net HP DV6000 laptop powers on, lights blink, then 3 beeps. Any suggestions? Thinkpad...